Fashion revolution zeigt „Fair Traders“ in Düsseldorf

Am 25. April findet in Düsseldorf zu vierten Mal die Fashion Revolution Night statt

Die Sprache an diesem Abend ist English, daher gibts auch die Einladung so:

Come and join us for an evening of insights, discussion and style and be part of the biggest global movement campaigning for a fairer and safer fashion industry.

Where? WHU Campus, Erkrather Straße 224a, 40233 Düsseldorf

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Program 18:30 – 22:00

We will kick-off with an introduction of the Fashion Revolution movement and explain ways how you too can contribute.

From 6:30 we will then screen the newly released documentary FAIR TRADERS that shows three stories of ethical entrepreneurs acting locally, nationally and internationally, and their highs and lows in trying to balance between fair payment throughout the supply chain, organic production and the cost pressures of the free market economy.

The evening will end with an interactive discussion with representatives of C&A Foundation, FOND OF and Fair Traders from the Düsseldorf region. Founders of Wunderwerk, Roberta Organic Fashion and CANO Shoe will share their values and entrepreneurial stories and reflect on what it actually takes to start, finance and scale a sustainable business.

And most important: You can join the official Facebook group of Fashion Revolution Düsseldorf .


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Our food sponsor Manufactum brot&butter Düsseldorf will invite you to enjoy some of their exquisite breads and pastries and locally sourced organic foods.

We thank our partners KomKuK -Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP and HSBC Germany for their good spirit!

Fashion Revolution is a global movement that runs all year, celebrating fashion as a positive influence, raising awareness of the fashion industry’s most pressing issues, showing that change is possible and celebrating those who are on a journey to create a more ethical and sustainable future for fashion. This year’s campaign marks the 6th year anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which shook the fashion world and ignited the world’s biggest fashion activism movement for a fairer, safer, fashion industry.

#fashionrevolution #whomademyclothes #lovedclotheslast